14 September 2023: A consultation has launched on proposals to improve the effectiveness of the walking and cycling zone in Falmouth Town Centre.

Since May 2021, Market Street (at the junction with Killigrew Street) and Church Street have been closed to through traffic between 11am and 4pm. However, following complaints about a rise in the number of vehicles using the road between the restricted hours and discussions with the local community, Cornwall Council and Falmouth Town Council are proposing to:

• Move the rising bollard from Church Street to the entrance to the pedestrian zone at Market Street

• Install new signage, lining and a blended pedestrian crossing

Extending the pedestrian priority zone in the town centre is a key priority of the Falmouth Neighbourhood Plan (NDP). The proposed scheme will help realise the vision of the NDP specifically by enhancing the quality of the public realm; creating a pedestrian friendly, safe and accessible environment in the main streets through the town; managing vehicle movements, deliveries, parking and supporting shuttle bus services.

To respond to the consultation, please click on the following link and register: https://www.engagespace.co.uk/…/consultation_Dtl.aspx…

Please see attached documents associated with the consultation for you to view or download, should you wish.


Falmouth Town Centre Bollard Consultation Letter

Falmouth Town Centre Bollard FAQs

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