In 2005 Falmouth Town Council embraced the fairtrade ethos by forming a partnership with local organisations and individuals to make Falmouth the first Fairtrade town in Cornwall.

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is an alternative approach to conventional international trade. It is a trading partnership that aims to provide sustainable development for excluded and disadvantaged producers. It seeks to do this by providing better trading conditions, local sustainability, and fairer terms of trade for farmers and workers.

Fairtrade is a practical way for everyone to have a positive impact on global poverty.

Three steps for you to support Fairtrade:

  1. Buy it: whether its wine, chocolate, coffee, fruit, clothes etc look out for the fairtrade mark
  2. Talk about it: tell your friends and family to make sure they buy fairtrade goods too.
  3. Ask for it: if your usual shop does not stock fairtrade goods yet, then ask for them.

Falmouth Fairtrade retailers and suppliers

Falmouth already has many outlets for Fairtrade goods from large stores to small local shops (some aim to use only fairtrade goods, others only have one or two items, your custom will help more fairtrade goods to be introduced).

A list of all Fairtrade outlets will be made available here shortly.

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