Falmouth Town Council meets four times a year and agrees the reports and recommendations from its various committees, of which there are currently five standing committees:
- Cultural Services & Leisure
- Finance & General Purposes
- Grounds, Facilities & Environmental Action
- Planning & Licensing
- Staffing
All full council and council committee meetings start at 6pm, unless another meeting is scheduled beforehand. Where another meeting is scheduled beforehand full council meetings will start at 7pm.
Click on the link below to view all full council and committee meeting dates for the forthcoming Municipal year.
Agendas and Minutes
Meeting agendas are published on our website at least three days in advance of scheduled meetings and minutes are published in draft format within five working days of the date of the meeting, or as soon as practical.
The minutes of each council or committee meeting are then approved at the next full meeting of the council or the relevant committee. All full council and committee meeting minutes, except for Staffing Committee minutes, are freely accessible to the public.
Click on the link below to find agendas, minutes and reports relating to recent and upcoming full council and committee meetings.
Confidential Agenda Items
When there are confidential agenda items to be discussed in meetings these are listed in the ‘Part II’ section of the agenda. When the meeting reaches ‘Part II’ members of the public and the press will be asked to leave and any filming will be stopped.
Where are Council Meetings held?
Full council meetings are held in The Council Chamber, Municipal Building, The Moor, TR11 2RT unless stated otherwise.
Council committee meetings are held in The Atherton Suite, The Old Post Office, The Moor, TR11 3QA unless stated otherwise.
Public Attendance & Speaking at Council Meetings
Members of the public are welcome to attend full council meetings.
If you are unable to attend in person, we also offer a livestream of full council meetings through our Facebook page. All livestreams start when the scheduled Council meeting starts.
Speaking at Full Council Meetings
Members of the public have the right to ask questions at full Council meetings but must provide notice of at least 48hours. Please click on the link below for more information, including how to register to speak.
Annual Council Meeting and Mayor Making
The Annual Council Meeting is the fourth full council meeting of the municipal year (May to May). The focus of the meeting is usually the election of the Town Mayor for the next municipal year and the appointment of councillors to committees. The meeting is then usually followed by the official ‘Mayor Making’ ceremony where the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor are appointed and receive their chains of office.
The Annual Council Meeting and Mayor Making starts at 7pm and is usually held at: Princess Pavilion, 41 Melvill Road, TR11 4AR
Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is not a meeting of the Council but a chance for you to meet your Councillors and get an overview of the Council’s work from the last year. This includes any issues as well as projects, activities, and initiatives that we have been working on.
All residents in Falmouth are encouraged to attend the meeting – this includes everyone over the age of 18 who is registered to vote and is resident in Falmouth – and there is an opportunity to raise matters with the Council and ask questions.
The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) starts at 7pm and takes place in The Atherton Suite, The Old Post Office, The Moor, TR11 3QA