You can report any issues or concerns you have related to Falmouth Town Council’s services, assets or projects using the form below. The quicker you report any issues, the quicker they can be resolved.

Both Falmouth Town Council and Cornwall Council provide services to Falmouth Residents. Before contacting us, please check below to see which Council or organisation you need to contact for which service.

Report It Form:

  1. 1

    The Report It form below should only be used to contact Falmouth Town Council about an issue with our services.

  2. 2

    Please make sure you have checked above which Council or organisation you need to contact before filling out the form.

  3. 3

    When filling in the form, please be as accurate, descriptive and clear as possible so we have the best chance of investigating the matter. Inaccurate, incomplete or false information may result in your query not getting progressed.

Preferred Method of Contact(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.