Discover Arts Falmouth
A monthly free creative workshop. Artist lead for adults and their carers living with long term illness and disability. The workshops are held in the gallery space looking at the current exhibition. Workshops are designed to be accessible, relaxing and creative. Tea and biscuits are provided.
A monthly free creative workshop. Artist lead for adults and their carers living with long term illness and disability. The workshops are held in the gallery space looking at the current exhibition. Workshops are designed to be accessible, relaxing and creative. Tea and biscuits are provided.
‘As an adult I developed a love of art history but no artistic skills of my own so when Ruth invited me to join the group, I told her that “I can’t do art”. I was wrong. The group has given me enough confidence to develop my own skills and to join another art group through Cornwall Adult Education. The gentle encouragement has helped my engagement with the subject, and I will always be grateful for that.’
Sarah Smith, Participant, Discover Arts Falmouth
Discover Arts
Second Tuesday of the month
1:30 – 3:30
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Please make contact. Ask about Discover Arts or let us know what you are looking for.

Recent Exhibition: Discover Arts
Previous Exhibition
Trace is a community curated exhibition by ‘Discover Arts Falmouth’, a group for people living with physical and medical challenges and their carers.
Initially the exhibition was intended to give stroke survivors and supporters the opportunity to express themselves creatively after the long period of social isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In time, we realised we could expand the opportunity for others in the community with physical & medical challenges, who needed social contact and the ability to express themselves using works of art as a stimulus in a safe and non-threatening environment.
“This exhibition is a celebration of an incredible group and the wonderful things that happen when we get together to share our stories and expand our world through art.”
Viviane Vaux, Artist and Workshop Facilitator, Falmouth Art Gallery
‘Discover Arts Falmouth’ began at Falmouth Art Gallery in partnership with the Stroke Association but now meet monthly in the gallery as an independent group. Working with artist Viviane Vaux the group explore different materials and modes of expression inspired by works from the gallery’s collection. New members are welcome to join.
All the art works on display have been selected by or made by the group.
‘This project has been a journey of discovery for the gallery and it’s team, being introduced to new reflections on familiar art works’
Sarah Scott, Access & Interpretation Manager, Falmouth Art Gallery