During the early 1900’s the Falmouth Spring Flower Show was the premier horticultural season opener for the whole county, visited by royalty and renowned public figures.

The first Falmouth Spring Flower Show was held at the Princess Pavilion in 1910, opened by Queen Victoria’s daughter, Princess Christian, with the Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton opening a later show. The connection with the Pavilion has endured over the years with every Show being held there since. This prestigious event was an important part of the social calendar with a much-anticipated masked ball being held the night before, featuring an extensive menu of the finest food of the time.

At the end of the Show, the floral displays were transported all over the country with extensive daffodil displays being shown in department stores in places, such as Liverpool and Manchester to promoted Falmouth and celebrate the early blooms available from Cornwall.

The Falmouth Spring Flower Show was first run by Falmouth Chamber of Commerce. In the 1980’s it transferred to the Falmouth Spring Flower Show committee, a team of volunteers whose dedication ensured that the Show continued.

In 2019 it was passed to Falmouth Town Council, who continue to celebrate this rich heritage, whilst taking the Show into a new era, embracing exciting partnerships and adding fresh categories to compliment those that are known and loved. This Falmouth Spring Flower Show is for everyone; all ages, all backgrounds and all abilities, from professional gardeners and dedicated enthusiasts to those who may only just be discovering the joy of plants. It is a fantastic opportunity for all to come together and celebrate their love of plants and everything that they offer. If you’ve never entered before, why not have a go and be a part of continuing this auspicious piece of Falmouth’s heritage.

Photo credits: Falmouth Polytechnic Society

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