Falmouth Town Council is made up of sixteen elected and unpaid Members (Councillors).
Councillors are elected by residents to address the issues and concerns of residents in their ward (electoral division/area).
There are four Town Council electoral wards in Falmouth:
- Arwenack (x 4 Councillors)
- Boslowick (x 4 Councillors)
- Penwerris (x 5 Councillors)
- Trescobeas (x 3 Councillors)
To find out which ward you live in, please click HERE to view Cornwall Council’s electoral map of Falmouth. Clicking where you live on the map will reveal which ward you live in.
Town Councillors are elected every four years. The last Town Council elections were held in 2021 and the next Town Council elections are due to take place in early May 2025. Please visit our Elections page for more details on the election process including information on how to stand for Town Council.
What do Councillors do?
Councillors play a fundamental role in shaping the future of Falmouth by making crucial decisions that affect all residents. They do this through active engagement in constructive debates during Council meetings and committees.
Elected every four years by ward constituents, Councillors represent the views and address the concerns of the community. Their role is to ensure that residents’ voices are heard and considered in the decision-making process.
Councillors collaborate with Council Officers (staff) to deliver key services and projects. This partnership ensures that the town’s services are maintained and projects are completed to a high standard.
Serving as a Falmouth Town Councillor is a completely voluntary and unpaid role.
Councillor Code of Conduct
All Councillors are governed by a Code of Conduct which outlines the rules, responsibilities, and proper behaviours expected of them.
They must also declare any personal and/or financial interests that might influence their decisions as an elected Councillor – a register of these interests is available on Cornwall Council’s website under the heading ‘Town and Parish Council Information’ as well as in each of the Councillor’s profiles below.
Councillor Attendance
Details of Falmouth Town Councillor’s attendance at Council Meetings for the last municipal year (May 2023 – May 2024) are available to view by clicking the link below.

Representation on External Bodies
Councillors also represent the community on various external bodies, ensuring that Falmouth’s interests are considered in broader discussions and decisions.
Cornwall Council Representation
Each ward (electoral division/area) in Falmouth is represented at Cornwall Council by a Cornwall Councillor, providing continuity and ensuring Falmouth’s needs are advocated for at both local and county levels.
Contact Your Councillor
All contact information for Falmouth Town Councillors and Falmouth Cornwall Councillors can be found below. This includes information about which council committees they attend, which outside bodies they sit on and their register of interests.
Arwenack Ward
Four Town Councillors represent the Arwenick Ward of Falmouth:

Geoffrey F Evans MBE
Falmouth Town Councillor (Arwenack Ward)
- Cultural Services and Leisure
- Planning and Licensing
- Staffing (Vice-Chair)
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations: N/A
Contact Details:
19 Arwenack Avenue, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3JW
Tel: 01326 311 543

Jude Robinson
Falmouth Town Councillor (Arwenack Ward)
- Finance and General Purposes (Chair)
- Grounds, Facilities & Environmental Action
- Planning and Licensing
- Staffing
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Beach Management Group
Councillor Champion for:
- Community Engagement (including Neighbourhood Development Plan)
- Health and Safety
Contact Details:
Address in Arwenack ward
Tel: 07478 679 155

Emily Seiler
Falmouth Town Councillor (Arwenack Ward)
- Cultural Services and Leisure (Chair)
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Beach Management Group
- Fairtrade Falmouth
- Falmouth Twinning Association
- Plastic Free Falmouth
Contact Details:
24 Albany Road, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3RN
Tel: 07727 064 860

Zoe Young
Falmouth Town Councillor (Arwenack Ward)
- Cultural Services and Leisure Committee
- Grounds, Facilities and Environmental Action
- Planning & Licensing Committee
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE (opens in new window).
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Cornwall Association of Local Councils
- Cornwall Flood Forum
- Fal and Helford Advisory Committee
- Police Liaison / OPCC Advocate
- Swanpool Nature Reserve
Councillor Champion for:
- Community Emergency Plans
Contact Details
Address in Arwenack ward
Tel: 07931 316 970
Boslowick Ward
Four Town Councillors represent the Boslowick Ward of Falmouth:

Deborah Clegg
Falmouth Town Councillor (Boslowick Ward)
- Finance and General Purposes (Vice-Chair)
- Grounds, Facilities & Environmental Action (Chair)
- Planning & Licensing Committee (Vice-Chair)
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Falmouth Conservation Committee
- Falmouth Gardeners & Allotment Society
- Falmouth in Bloom
- Swanpool Nature Reserve
- Taxi and Private Hire Forum
Contact Details:
Trelevra Farm, Goldenbank, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5BH
Tel: 07810 898 651

Steve Eva
Falmouth Town Councillor (Boslowick Ward)
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Planning and Licensing (Chair)
- Staffing
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Age Concern
- Fairtrade Falmouth
- Falmouth Conservation Committee
- Falmouth Christmas Activities Committee
- Falmouth Place Shaping Group
Councillor Champion for:
- Armed Forces
- CCTV Liaison
- Town Centre / Night-time Economy
Contact Details:
34 Trescobeas Road, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2JG
Tel: 01326 311 539

Dean Evans BEM
Falmouth Town Councillor (Boslowick Ward)
- Cultural Services & Leisure
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Grounds, Facilities & Environmental Action
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Falmouth and Penryn Community Area Panel
- Falmouth Green Corridor Group
- Maritime Line Working Party (Rail Branch Line)
Councillor Champion for:
- Environment / Sustainability
Contact Details
44 Polmennor Road, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 5UX
Tel: 07588 711 936

Alan Jewell
Falmouth Town Councillor (Boslowick Ward)
Cornwall Councillor (Falmouth Boslowick)
- Finance & General Purposes
- Planning & Licensing
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations: N/A
Contact Details:
Pennance Mill Farm, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5HJ
Tel: 01326 317 431
Falmouth Town Council Email Address: Cllr.alan.jewell@cornwall.gov.uk
Cornwall Council email address: alan.jewell@cornwallcouncillors.org.uk
Penwerris Ward
Five Town Councillors represent the Penwerris Ward of Falmouth:

Kirstie J Edwards
Falmouth Town Councillor (Penwerris Ward)
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Falmouth & Penryn Community Area Panel
- Falmouth Green Corridor Group
- Safer Falmouth
Councillor Champion for:
- Accessibility
Contact Details:
Address in Penwerris

Daniel Konik
Falmouth Town Councillor (Penwerris Ward)
- Cultural Services & Leisure
- Grounds, Facilities and Environmental Action (Vice-Chair)
- Staffing
Declaration of Interests: TBC
Appointments to External Organisations:
Councillor Champion for:
- Food Justice
Contact Details:
Address in Falmouth
Tel: 07425 894 825
Falmouth Town Council email: Councillor-dkonik@falmouthtowncouncil.com

Tom Pearce
Falmouth Town Councillor (Penwerris Ward)
- Cultural Services and Leisure
- Finance & General Purposes
Declaration of Interests: TBC
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Citizens Advice Representative
Councillor Champion for:
- N/A
Contact Details:
Address in Penwerris
Tel: 07751876870
Falmouth Town Council email: Councillor-tpearce@falmouthtowncouncil.com

Alan Rowe
Town Mayor
Falmouth Town Councillor (Penwerris Ward)
Cornwall Councillor (Falmouth Penwerris)
- Finance and General Purposes Committee
- Grounds, Facilities and Environmental Action
- Staffing
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Cornwall Association of Larger Councils – Local Councils Committee (includes NALC Super Councils Network)
- Falmouth in Bloom
- Falmouth Christmas Activities Committee
- Falmouth Neighbourhood Plan Stakeholders Committee
- Falmouth Twinning Association
- Maritime Line Working Party (Rail Branch Line)
- Mencap
- Safer Falmouth
Councillor Champion for:
- University Comms Group Liaison
Contact Details:
Address in Penwerris
Tel: 07429 523 622

John Spargo
Falmouth Town Councillor (Penwerris Ward)
Liberal Democrat
- Cultural Services & Leisure Committee
- Grounds, Facilities & Environmental Action
- Planning & Licensing
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Falmouth Christmas Activities
- Plastic Free Falmouth
Councillor Champion for:
- Tourism/Events
Contact Details:
60 Kimberley Park Road, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 2PR
Tel: 07791 468 863
Trescobeas Ward
Three Councillors represent the Trescobeas Ward of Falmouth:

Louise D Coley
Deputy Mayor
Falmouth Town Councillor (Trescobeas Ward)
- Cultural Services & Leisure (Vice Chair)
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Staffing (Chair)
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Falmouth Twinning Association
Councillor Champion for:
- Safeguarding
- Schools & Universities
Contact Details:
14 Church Way, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4SG
Tel: 07506 233 211

Brod Ross
Falmouth Town Councillor (Trescobeas Ward)
- Planning & Licensing
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Cornwall Flood Forum
- Fairtrade Falmouth
- Fal and Helford Advisory Committee
- Falmouth Twinning Association
- Police Liaison / OPCC Advocate
Councillor Champion for:
- Community Emergency Plans
Contact Details:
7 De Pass Gardens, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4BQ
Tel: 07767 305 915

David Saunby
Falmouth Town Councillor (Trescobeas Ward)
Cornwall Councillor (Falmouth Trescobeas)
- Grounds, Facilities & Environmental Action
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Appointments to External Organisations:
- Maritime Line Working Party (Rail Branch Line)
Contact Details:
20 Trevithick Road, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2JP
Tel: 01326 315 285
Falmouth Town Council email: Councillor-dwsaunby@falmouthtowncouncil.com
Cornwall Council email: Cllr.david.saunby@cornwall.gov.uk
Cornwall Councillors
There are four Cornwall Councillors for Falmouth each representing one of Falmouth’s four electoral wards. Their contact information and their register of interests can be be found below:

Laurie Mcgowan
Cornwall Councillor (Falmouth Arwenack)
Declaration of Interests: please click HERE
Contact Details:
Address in Arwenack
Tel: 07715093907
Cornwall Council email: cllr.laurie.magowan@cornwall.gov.uk

Alan Jewell
Cornwall Councillor (Falmouth Boslowick)
Contact Details:
Pennance Mill Farm, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5HJ
Tel: 01326 317 431
Falmouth Town Council email: Cllr.alan.jewell@cornwall.gov.uk
Cornwall Council email: alan.jewell@cornwallcouncillors.org.uk

Alan Rowe
Cornwall Councillor (Falmouth Penwerris)
Contact Details:
Address in Penwerris
Tel: 07429 523 622
Falmouth Town Council email: Councillor-arowe@falmouthtowncouncil.com
Cornwall Council email: Cllr.alan.rowe@cornwall.gov.uk

David Saunby
Cornwall Councillor (Falmouth Trescobeas & Budock)
Contact Details:
20 Trevithick Road, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2JP
Tel: 01326 315 285
Cornwall Council email: Cllr.david.saunby@cornwall.gov.uk