In Falmouth the ocean is at the heart of our economy and the health and wellbeing of our community.

There is great opportunity in the development of a sustainable, equitable and vibrant blue economy that delivers both ocean recovery and local prosperity. We want to attract new investment and innovative, clean technologies to Falmouth. We believe local government at all levels has a responsibility to play its part in delivering ocean recovery.

In January 2022, an Ocean Recovery Declaration motion resolved that Falmouth Town Council declares an urgent need for Ocean Recovery. It recognises that we need ocean recovery to meet our net zero carbon targets, and we need net zero carbon to recover our ocean and the Council pledges to: 

  • Report to Full Council within 6 months on the actions and projects that will begin an ocean recovery in Falmouth.
  • Embed Ocean recovery in all strategic decisions, budgets, plans and approaches to decisions by the Council  (particularly relating to planning, regeneration, skills and local economy), aligning with climate emergency plans and considering ocean-based climate solutions in our journey to carbon neutrality.
  • Work with partners locally and nationally to deliver increased sustainability in local marine industries and develop a sustainable, equitable and vibrant blue economy that delivers ocean recovery and local prosperity. 
  • Grow Ocean literacy and marine citizenship in the town, including ensuring all pupils have a first-hand experience of the ocean before leaving primary school, including home-schooled children, and promote sustainable and equitable access to the ocean through physical and digital experiences.
  • Create an online portal on the Town Council website as part of our green and blue space information to update on ocean recovery progress, signpost to ocean literacy development opportunities, and marine citizenship pledges. 
  • Call on the Government to put the ocean into net recovery by 2030 

Falmouth Harbour

Falmouth Harbour has a remit to contribute to improving the port and harbour for current and future generations to enjoy.

They have a number of environmental projects including seagrass restoration, seabins and advanced mooring systems and several others in the pipeline.  For more information and details of how to get involved please visit Falmouth Harbour website.

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