What is a Strategic Plan?

A strategic plan is a document that outlines the long-term goals of an organisation and the steps it will take to achieve them.

Falmouth Town Council’s strategic plan provides a framework and a focus for Councillors when making decisions about future projects and priorities and for staff when putting those decisions into action.

Below is a shortened version of our strategic plan for 2023-27. To view or download the full version of the plan, please click HERE.

Falmouth Town Council’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027

Our Vision:

Falmouth will be a distinctive, vibrant, resilient, inclusive, and well-balanced, attractive sea-port town. It will form part of the sustainable social and economic heart of the wider Falmouth/Penryn Community Network,serving an important strategic role in enabling Cornwall’s economy to reach its full potential, and responding effectively to climate change.

Our Broad Aims:

  • To enhance the town and maintain its excellent qualities
  • To balance the competing needs for growth and development with protection and enhancement
  • To promote development that is sustainable socially, economically, and environmentally

Our Objectives:



  • Ensure that all our parks, open spaces, sports pitches, and beaches are accessible to all
  • Assist the provision of indoor swimming facility for Falmouth
  • Continue to work with Cornwall Council and be engaged with the asset devolution process to allow local management of amenity green spaces
  • To develop the wheeled skate facility at Dracaena Fields
  • To provide an enhanced sports pitch at Trescobeas Recreational Area
  • Ensure that all play areas, sports pitches, and other provision are safe and of a high standard
  • Continue to provide parks and gardens to the national award-winning standard
  • Continue to engage with beach management to ensure Falmouth beaches are maintained at the national award-winning standard
  • Support the creation of Friends Groups and volunteering opportunities
  • Engage with and promote future Community Governance Reviews to rationalise the town boundary to be reflective of the growth of the urban area
  • Develop new cemetery provision at Bickland Water Road
  • Enhance our environmental messaging and education service provision
  • Develop a new community use and café for the Lodge at Kimberley Park



  • Observe the policies in the Falmouth Neighbourhood Development Plan
  • Facilitate the review of the Falmouth Neighbourhood Plan
  • To represent our community acting as its democratically elected leader on matters of community interest
  • Seek to maintain the General Power of Competence in order that we have the fullest opportunity to act for and in the interests of our community
  • Seek to consult with electors before making changes that affect the populace or relevant stakeholder groups
  • Continue to provide services in effective partnerships including with Falmouth Business ImprovementDistrict, Dracaena Centre, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service, Exeter University in Cornwall, and others.
  • Maintain the prudent and compliant management of public funds, observing the recommendations of audit and maintaining adequate levels of financial reserves.
  • Enhance our face-to-face information and advice services.
  • Improve our ability to accept electronic payments for services
  • Continue to develop the Council’s website and digital services to be more accessible and user friendly
  • Provide community and events grants support for local projects



  • Continue to invest in and promote cultural services provision across our community
  • Increase the accessibility of library, gallery, and information services.
  • Provide Princess Pavilion as an accessible community event venue
  • Maintain our volunteer strategy
  • Directly deliver and assist the delivery of a comprehensive events and festival programme for Falmouth
  • Sustain civic and ceremonial traditions and commemorations
  • To extend outreach and education programmes to continue to support community arts and heritage
  • Provide community events space at The Old Post Office.
  • Redevelopment of, improvements and refurbishments to the Municipal Buildings to ensure it is a fit for purpose venue for the delivery of cultural services.
  • Actively seek to secure external funding to develop our existing offer.
  • Continue to develop the events programme and use of The Church Street Car Park and The Moor Piazza.



  • Work with a range of partners and Safer Falmouth to ensure the town remains a safe place
  • Continue to provide CCTV, public wi-fi, Shopwatch Radio and other systems and seek to extend that provision
  • Develop and lead on the Falmouth Place Shaping proposals regarding Prince of Wales Pier, Fish StrandQuay/Church Street Car Park and pedestrian priority for Market Street, Church Street and Arwenack Street.
  • Continue our partnership working with Falmouth Business Improvement District to promote a vibrant and healthy local economy
  • Continue to provide town management and lobbying services to ensure our high street can be sustained



  • Reduce waste, make cost efficiencies, and increase reusing and recycling within our own operations
  • Support our vulnerable families, recognising the housing availability crisis and food and energy poverty
  • Provide a safe and supportive working environment where all staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect
  • Provide strong, clear, and consistent leadership at councillor and officer level
  • Continue to invest in our staff and councillors, with agreed continuous professional development and training programmes
  • Fulfil our safeguarding responsibilities and promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults
  • Be an advocate for all sectors of our community
  • Be a national living wage employer and observe National Joint Council terms and conditions.
  • Continue to observe the Armed Forces Covenant
  • Continue to be a Fairtrade accredited town
  • Continue to support the Climate Change Emergency projects and initiatives including becoming plastic free and working towards carbon neutrality
  • Work with others to ensure the protection and conservation of sites of archaeological and historical significance, such as Ponsharden Cemeteries and Pendennis Headland.
  • Use local and ethical suppliers of goods and services wherever practicable
  • Sign up and observe the Civility and Respect Pledge and treat all councillors, employees, members of thepublic, representatives of partner organisations, and volunteers with civility and respect in their roles

Strategic Plan Review

The actions contained here will be regularly monitored to ensure progress on delivering projects and priorities. The Plan will also receive scrutiny by the newly elected councillors in 2025.

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If you require a copy of our Strategic Plan in a different format, please contact us.

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