Falmouth Town Council is the local burial authority and manages both the old and new Falmouth Cemeteries at Swanvale.

Burial Information

Please see the links below to download our 2024/2025 burial fees, cemetery regulations and other useful information:

Burial Fees 2024/25 (pdf)
Cemetery Burial and Cremation Questions (pdf)
Lawn Cemetery Regulations (pdf)
Garden of Remembrance Regulations (pdf)
Memorial Safety Policy (pdf)
Local Funeral Directors (pdf)
Local Stone Masons (pdf)

The Cemetery Chapel (opposite) can be used in connection with an interment which takes place at the Cemetery, or an approved religious ceremony for £135.

Burial Records

To search a database of burial records in Falmouth Cemetery, please visit our Burial Records page.

Need Further Assistance?

Please contact Emily Middleditch (Mon to Wed) or Val Rogers (Thursday to Friday) for further details on burial orders and records, or to discuss any other matter relating to burials.

Email: emily@falmouthtowncouncil.com
Email: valerierogers@falmouthtowncouncil.com
Telephone: 01326 315 559

About Falmouth Cemetery

Swanpool Hill divides Falmouth Cemetery into two distinct sections. The ‘new’ lawn cemetery sits on the west side of the road. Opened in the mid 20th century, the lawn cemetery is where all current burials take place. The ‘old’ (Victorian) Grade II listed cemetery, designed by local surveyor Joseph Olver around 1853, stands on the east with the last burials taking place there in the 1940s.

Where is Falmouth Cemetery?

Address: Swanpool Hill, Falmouth, TR11 4EB

Telephone: 01326 315 559

Cemetery Management

With the exception of the War Graves, which are looked after by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Falmouth Town Council’s Cemetery Officer and grounds team actively manage the old Falmouth cemetery to support local wildlife. This includes:

  • Only cutting the grass twice year, to encourage pollinators to feed on the wild flowers that grow in natural abundance
  • Using any wood from fallen trees to create log piles to encourage insects and nesting places for small mammals
  • The erection of bird nesting boxes in trees around the site

The old cemetery’s rich biodiversity is a draw for many naturalists as it is home to many birds, insects and small mammals. Below are just a few examples of some of the wildlife that can be found at Falmouth Cemetery.

Watch the video below to hear what bee advocate, wildlife gardener, and published naturalist Brigit Strawbridge-Howard had to say about our sympathetic management of the old cemetery’s flora and fauna during a visit with naturalist Kevin Thomas from Falmouth Nature.

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Plans to encourage more biodiversity in the lawn cemetery include planting more wildlife friendly plants in the flowerbeds and creating more log piles along the tree lined perimeter to encourage insects and provide habitats for small mammals.

War Graves and The Cross of Sacrifice

Falmouth has over 180 war graves in its old cemetery, including 87 burials from the First World War and 111 burials from the Second World War.

The Upper section of the Victorian cemetery is the oldest part of Falmouth Cemetery and is where you will find the First World War graves as well as The Cross of Sacrifice (see photos below).

The Cross of Sacrifice is a Commonwealth War Memorial created in 1918 for the Imperial War Graves Commission. It marks cemeteries with over forty First World War graves. The memorial features a Latin cross on an octagonal base with a bronze long sword, blade down, attached to the front.

The lower section of the old cemetery houses the World War Two graves, including some of those who departed Falmouth to take part in the famous Saint Nazaire raid in 1942.

War Grave Tours

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission offers free tours of Falmouth’s war graves throughout the year.

During the tour, a local guide will explain the work of the Commission and highlight some of the stories of the service personnel buried in Falmouth.

All tours are free but you will need to book your place in advance.

Each tour lasts about 90 minutes. To book, please see below:

How to book a War Graves Tour

1. Click on the link below
2. Select ‘See latest War Graves Week 2024 Tour List’
3. Select ‘South West’ and click on ‘Falmouth’
4. Select a tour from the dates available
5. Book a place on the tour

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