Speaking at Planning & Licensing Committee Meetings
Members of the public have the right to speak at meetings of the Planning and Licensing Committee during the consideration of planning and licensing applications.
Speaking About Planning Applications
The purpose of the right to speak is to give members of the public the opportunity to make their views known directly to the Committee. They can still write to the Council if they prefer, or in addition to speaking.
Those entitled to speak can be objectors, applicants, their agents and supporters.
Please remember that Falmouth Town Council is only a Consultee and you must ensure that you notify the Planning Authority (Cornwall Council) direct if you wish to object to planning applications.
You should provide them in writing within the specified time period to:
Planning – Central One Cornwall Council Pydar Street
Planning applications can be viewed online on Cornwall Council’s Planning Portal
If you wish to speak at a meeting of Falmouth Town Council’s Planning and Licensing Committee you will need to contact the Council’s Administrative Officer, preferably in writing or email, although a telephone call will suffice, by no later than 12 noon on the day of the meeting. The Administrative Officer will then make a list of those wishing to speak, in the order they contact the Council.
Email: emily@falmouthtowncouncil.com
Telephone: 01326 315559
Address: Falmouth Town Council, The Old Post Office, The Moor, Falmouth, TR11 3QA
How to Find Out if your Planning Application is being Reviewed
Planning applications reported to the Committee will be included in Appendix I or Appendix II of the agenda for the meeting. Those included in Appendix I will be reported with a recommendation from the Chair and are voted on en bloc. If you wish to talk to an Appendix I application you will need to speak to your local Councillor before the meeting to ensure that your Councillor requests the Chair that it is considered in Appendix II.
Planning and Licensing Committee agendas are available to view at the Council Offices, online on our Planning and Licensing Committee page, or on the public notice board at the Falmouth Information Service on the Tuesday preceding Committee. Occasionally late received applications are added to the agenda on a Friday and you are advised to check on the day of the meeting for a comprehensive list of applications for consideration.
Order of Speaking
The Officer attending or Chair will introduce the application, followed by other speakers in the following order:
- Applicant or agent
- Objectors
- Supporters
- Cornwall Councillors (not usually time constrained)
- Falmouth Town Councillors (not usually time constrained
Members of the Committee may question each speaker to clarify points. There will then be a debate and the Council will formulate observations for submission to the Planning Authority.
Time limit – minor applications
There is a time limit of three minutes for each group of speakers. If there is more than one interested party wishing to speak, the Council will advise them that they should co-ordinate their presentation. If they are unable to do so, the first person registering will be allotted two minutes. At the Chair’s discretion the remaining time will be available to remaining speakers, if they are adding new points. It is the responsibility of speakers to co-ordinate presentations.
Time limit – major applications
The time limits are as above. However occasionally an applicant or agent for a major development may be invited to present his proposals to the Committee, and will be allowed a period of fifteen minutes with member questions thereafter.
Can Questions be Asked of Other Speakers?
You may include questions in the time allocated to you but the Committee has no powers to require other speakers to answer your questions, they may answer your questions if they choose in their allocated time but there will be no debate. Generally it is better if you seek to have questions answered outside the meeting and to state your interests/points on thebasis of the information given to you.
You must not interrupt other speakers nor interrupt the Committee debate. All speakers must speak to the Chair, respect theChair and respond to instructions accordingly.
The Chair will invite speakers to speak and they will stand to address the Committee (unless infirmity prevents them).
Relevant Issues
Relevant issues will vary with the nature of the proposal and the site are specified within the National Planning PolicyFramework and may include:
- Relevant planning issues
- Highway safety, traffic generation and parking
- Noise, disturbance and other loss of amenities
- Appearance and character of development
- Layout and density of buildings
- Impact on any historic buildings, protected nature conservation sites or trees
- Overshadowing, overlooking and loss of privacy
Irrelevant Issues
Again these will vary from case to case but the following are usually irrelevant:
- Private property rights (e.g. boundary or access disputes)
- Personal remarks (e.g. the applicants motives)
- Possible future developments
- Effect on property value
Speaking about Licensing Applications
In addition to the participation of statutory organisations (such as the Police or Cornwall Council) licensing applicants and/or their agents will be invited to address the Planning and Licensing Committee in regard to the application.
Objectors to a licence application will be permitted to address their objections to the Planning and Licensing Committee when that application is being considered and at the discretion of the Chair.
Contact the Council
For clarification on any of the above issues, the procedures, registering to speak or to check agenda you should contact the Council on telephone 01326 315559 or email emily@falmouthtowncouncil.com